Friday, August 15, 2008

LIghts, Camera, Action!

Last Saturday, I went and shot my screen test for the kids show I'm working on. I had two simple introductory scenes, one song to sing and an interview... (sounds like a piece of cake right? HA!)

I had to be there at 11:00 a.m. and managed to be only 5 minutes late! (which is pretty good for me, I'm usually at a 10 minute late status)

Luckily the director was pulling up behind me, who is notoriously late, so I didn't sweat it.....

And I got to bring my sister Deb along to do my hair and makeup. Which is awesome, because she knows my face and hair better than anyone, so she'd know what would work best for me and won't make me look like a Country Western Singer, Hilary Clinton or Shirley Temple, just to name a few.

There is so much work involved in film. We had to check the lighting, the sound, the green screen, the outside noise level, the outfits, the script, the choreography, etc.... and all this with my head full of curlers! (nope, didn't get any pictures of me in curlers!)

(The "Scripts")

Finally, Deb did my hair and we went out to get the "approval" from the director.

He didn't like it.

(the tech guy thought it looked great... but he doesn't get a vote...)

Back to the drawing board.

4 more times.

Finally! We got the look right and now it's on to makeup. Nothing heavy, just some concealer, foundation and a touch of brightener pencil at the corners of my eyes. Oh, and a dab of Dr. Pepper lip gloss.

(you'll have to read Deb's blog post to hear about our makeup buying fiasco.)

Voile`! I'm ready to rock this thing!

(Ready for my close up!)

Five Hours and Fifty Takes Later....

Whew... all done. For now.

Five hours of work for about 6 minutes of film.

That just boggles my mind.

(Blinding Stage Lights)

Luckily Deb was there to run lines with me, que me, dab me, do my makeup, fix my hair, take pictures, dress me, and make faces at me from behind the director. Yes she sure did. She made faces at me. Yep. What a Brat! No really, she helped a lot. But afterward, she couldn't run fast enough to the car... "it's too long!" she says. Oy Vey, did I just lose my makeup, hair, que, dabber, face maker, dresser, fixer upper person?! I sure hope not! (This is not a public plea Deb, I promise!)

All in all, even though I literally stood for 5 hours under those blinding stage lights, forgot my lines, sweated my upper lip off and started off looking more like the tin man than loosy goosey (tin man- bad, loosy goosey - good), I had an absolute blast and can't wait to do it again!!

(Finally finishing up with my interview...)

The Screen Queen!


Jenster said...

How very cool! And you look great! I can't wait to hear more about this project.

The Daily Bee said...

Oy vey is right. No other explanation needed.

Becky said...


You have FABULOUS hair, woman. And I totally loved that Deb was making faces at you, lol. I'm sure she was a great moral support for your big debut.

That does sound like a LOT of work for just a couple of minutes of film.

Purely Sony said...

You look sooo pretty! I love your hair in that picture.

Yay! I bet you're so glad that that part is done. Just one more step closer...

Aune's Adventures said...

I bet you liked the makeup part the best, huh? JK! Love you!