Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Head Shots & Screen Tests

Okay here's the quick backstory... I am in the early stages of shooting a kids show for either TV or DVD (not sure what the producers have decided yet). Not only am I the host of the show, I also get writer and producer credits which is kind of neat. The show is Bible based and will basically bring Sunday School into homes across America and beyond.

It's a long tedious process and has taken months and months of preparation and hard work.

But I know it's gonna be worth it in the end. And even with the work, it has been a blast so far to be a part of the process.

Okay.. so all that to say....

This week the goal is to shoot my screen test for the show. Even though I've already done some screen work on it, I guess they need an "official" screen test to include in the "package". I don't know all the lingo quite yet... ha ha ha...

So today I get an email from the producer with a video clip that I had made about 2 years ago that was a kind of commercial for the upcoming show (see I told you it was a long process!!). So I hesitantly open it up and cringe as I watch myself on the screen.

How come I've never notice how I tilt my head to one side almost constantly?? Jeez, can't I at least hold my own head up for a few seconds?

And what's with the dark circles under my eyes?

And how come I can't seem to pronounce my words without sounding like a valley girl teenager? Okay, that may be a bit extreme, but I did notice that I don't like the way I pronounce my words, or the sound of my own voice.

And this is who they want to front their new show? Oy Vey!

And on top of that they need me to go get my head shots done. Eeek. I'm not feeling that at all. My thinking is, I don't want some big close up of me sitting in different files where people can pull it out and examine my flaws at will.

Then I have to remind myself, I will be on TV screens in many homes where people will see my face in 30 minute increments.

Now that you put it that way... RUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN! What am I thinking?! Plus they say the camera adds 5 pounds. In my case I bet you can add a zero to that......

See, this is what happens when you dwell on yourself instead of the cause.

So I've resigned myself to obey God's call, swallow my pride and try to do my best. If I don't have to watch myself on film, I just might make it.

And if this changes a child's life. I'll not only make it, I'll have WON!

Stay Tuned....
Queen Cat


Jenster said...

That's some totally exciting stuff!! I know you're going to do an awesome job and be beautiful to boot!

Becky said...

Wowza, Cat! That is WAAAAY cool! That is so exciting, and what a tremendous call and opportunity...to bring Sunday School to children across the land!

Can't wait to hear more! Sounds like things are starting to pick up speed, huh? EEEEKS! That's sooooo cool!

Queen Catherella said...

Jenster, you are too kind! And yeah, it's super exciting and a little scary... jumping out into the unknown and in a way putting all my eggs in one basket.. ha ha ha... but I know that if it's God's will for my life, it will all work out!

Becky... WOWZA! ha ha ha love that word... I've been involved in children's ministry in one way or another for the past 16 years... so I'm super excited to take this next step... since I believe in Sunday School 1,000%!! (o:

Hmmmm... once this gets rolling and your boys haven't grown up and had children of their own by then (LOL!), It would be cool to put them on the list to test our new product (o: I'll keep you posted!

Aune's Adventures said...


Great blog! I really enjoyed reading around here today! I wish you much success on your new endeavor! Lets keep in touch! K!

Yvonne :)

Purely Sony said...

Cathy, I am so proud of you! I can't wait till this process is all over and you will be rich and famous...he he he :-)Just kidding.

I really do admire your burden of the children's ministry!

I can't wait to see what God is going to do through you!