Monday, November 13, 2006

The Trophy Room Tour


I have never been the one who took awards home from school.
I never win raffles
I never ever win drawings
I never get first place in anything...

I don't bother with sweepstakes or send in cereal tops, becauseI know that with me, there's no point...

I'm just not one of those people...

But don't feel sorry for me, or mistaken this for a pity party.

If I placed value on such rewards, I would definitely be a miserable grumpy person.

However, I can say that I reap rewards by the barrel full. It's not a trophy you can touch, or money to put in the bank. It's not even a piece of paper, proclaiming my accomplishments.

. It's pictures like this -

To know that I touched a child's life, to know that I am partly responsible for helping a child fall in love with Jesus, that is all the reward I need...

Maybe that's why I love what I do so much.
I get to witness the outcome of my hard work and labor.
I get to share hugs and kisses and stories and games with
the world's next generation.
And I get to be a part of the future, by instilling truths into these children.

What more reward do I need than that? I am rich indeed!

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