Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Private Parts

Okay, I know the title is throwing some of you, but let me 'splain. ha ha ha.

Yesterday at work, I had a good giggle over this incident.

Usually work is, well work. It's structured and mundane and unless Deb (who I also work with) is doing, saying or acting out something funny, there's not much to crack up about.

Most importantly, there are all adults in the workplace.

Well not so yesterday.

The owners of the business are husband and wife. And from time to time they will have friends or family pop in for a visit. Well yesterday, their neice, nephew and 8 year old great-nephew (great? grand-nephew? who knows.....) came in for a quick visit.

I have a small office in the back of the suite and I'll usually listen for a moment to see who it is and then continue working. So I just dismissed them as uninteresting and continued working.

A little while later, my boss walks by with the boy and I can cleary hear their conversation... it went a little like this:

Fred: Hey, let's go back here and get you a cup okay.

Boy: Okay! Hey! Did you know that there are two kinds of cups?! (he had that excited tone in his voice that all eight year olds have.)

Fred: Really?

Boy: Yep! One cup you drink out of, and the other cup, the other cup is for baseball, you know for baseball... so your, your TALLYWACKER doesn't get hurt!!

Fred: Uh-huh, uh okay, yeah, your, uh, private parts right?

Boy: Yeah!

Fred mumbled a couple of things in agreement, grabbed a cup and started to hurry the boy out of the supply closet.

I sat in my office in plain view of both of them, so I had to hold it together for a minute or two. After the boy (who I just found out his name is Ryan) ran back down the hall, my boss followed more slowly. I looked up, he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, like, what are ya gonna do?, and that's when I lost it. I covered my mouth to muffle my burst of laughter. Throughout the day, I'd hear it in my head again, and the giggles would just bubble out.

Seriously, how many people can say they've ever heard the word tallywacker in the office place? It was definitely my first time.

Queen C


The Daily Bee said...

LOL!! Hilarious!

I wish they had a book on things kids say... maybe they do... I wish I had a book on things kids say.

The Daily Bee said...

Tag Your IT - check my blog.